So Obsessed Saturday: New Year's Resolutions

HAPPY 2014!  Hopefully, everyone had wonderful time ringing in the New Year.  I got to spend it with my family. We stayed in and flipped between channels watching a little bit of each of the different ball drop festivities.  Since it's the first So Obsessed Saturday of 2014, you already know what I'm what obsessed with this week.  It's New Year's resolutions of course!

Before I share what my New Year's resolutions are, I just want to know is it me or does it seem like a lot more people are anti-New Year's resolutions this year than last year?  Or any year for that matter?  I saw so many negative Facebook statuses and Twitter updates.  However, I'm a resolutions/goals/challenge type person.  I always believe that I have room for improvement.

So, yes, I'm obsessed with making a list of resolutions to accomplish each.  I started when I was in junior high and it's been something I've done every year since.  Some years were a hit and others were more of a miss.  This year has gotten off to a rocking start and I'm hoping it will be hit.  Without further ado, here's what I hope to accomplish in 2014:

Personal Life
~Take a family vacation/trip: My kids and I have been on lots of trips but they don't count as family vacations because my husband wasn't able to go.  I'm looking to change that this year.

~Workout 3X a week:  I'm determined to maintain a healthy lifestyle and part of that is maintaining a healthy and fit body.  Already have my workout playlist and I'm ready to sweat baby!

~Be more positive:  Last year I spent too much time looking at the glass as half empty.  It's time to flip that around and start seeing the glass as half full!

~Enjoy life:  At the end of the day, what is the point in having lived if you dreaded every moment of it.  I want to just actively experience everything that life has to offer me with joy and happiness.  Life is too short to spend it doing otherwise.

Professional Life
~Publish Forever Branded:  I've gotten off to a great start on this resolution.  Last night I stayed up the early AMs slaving over my keyboard working on this novel.  I'm so ready to finish it and get it published.  It's just so much excitement to hold in.

~Make a bestseller's list: For me this would be a dream come true!  What author doesn't want their book to well and to see it accepted and loved by readers?!

~Host at least three book signings:  Book signings allow readers to get know authors better and the opportunity to interact with them personally without a computer screen between them.  I'd love to meet and chat with readers who will have read Forever Branded and get their feedback for the next book.  Yes, there will be a second book.

~Network with other authors:  I'm still new this whole published/independent author world.  Connecting and networking with other authors who have had years of experience and success as published authors will be extremely beneficial for me.  They know tricks of the trade, know who to go to for things like book cover designs, editing services, etc and can give me advice on how to better interact and draw in readers.  Like I said, there is always room for me to better and improve myself.

So what about you?  Did any of you make New Year's resolutions this year?  If so year one or two in the comments!

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