2016 Netgalley Reading Challenge




Happy New Year!  Yes, I know that January is almost over, but this is my first post here for 2016.  As you can already guess from the title, I've decided to join in the Fictively's 2016 Netgalley Reading Challenge.  The purpose of this challenge is for each reviewer to increase their Netgalley feedback ratio to 80%.  If you're not familiar with Netgalley, it's a site where book reviewers can request to Advance Review Copies (ARCs) of books from publishing houses.

Some books are set to automatically approve, while others have to be manually approved by the publisher.  The higher your feedback score, the more you increase your chances of getting approved for the books you request.  Other things that can improve your standing with publishers include posting your reviews outside of Netgalley on your blog, Amazon, Goodreads, etc and being active on social media.  I've had more than one publisher ask me for my blog and social media stats as well as the frequency in which I post book reviews.


My Challenge Goal

My challenge goal, I decided that I would read 41 or more books.  I love reading and since there aren't any restrictions on the type of Netgalley books we can read for this challenge, I'm confident that this is a manageable goal for me.



2 / 41 books. 5% done!

My Ratio

Below I'll be tracking what my feedback ratio is for each quarter.

Jan-March: 11%





My Netgalley Reads

Possessed By Passion by Brenda Jackson

Tuscan Heat by Deborah Fletcher Mello

1 comment

  1. I should join the Netgalley challenge. My ratio is horrible: 10% with like 400 something approved vs only 46 reviewed. I need to read more! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    2 Kids and Tired Books
