31 Books And Bookish Gifts I Want For My 31st Birthday

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Sagittarius season is finally here!  I'm super excited because that means that my birthday is coming up.  My 31st birthday to be exact will be here in less than 30 days.  I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I was celebrating my big 3-0.  Anyways, I thought a good way to celebrate my upcoming birthday here on the blog would be to share some of the books and bookish items on my birthday wishlist.   Let's get into it!

My birthday is coming up! Here's a brief look at some of the books and bookish items on my birthday wishlist this year.


Some of the books below I have already ready, but not currently own.

Stealing Snow Series| Danielle Paige's Stealing Snow made so many waves around the Booktube world that I actually picked it up from my library.  I'm a few pages in and already hooked.  Plus, this book is a Snow White retelling and I've mentioned before that I love fairytale retellings.  I didn't know there were novellas/prequels to the main novel until I started hunting down other books written by her.  Now I want to go back and read the Before Snow and Queen Rising once I'm finished with the main novel.

 Hamster Princess Series| I raved about Ursula Vernon's Hamster Princess series in my October Library Haul video.  This is a middle grade book series that follows the adventures of Harriet, a hamster princess.  Harriet isn't your traditional princess.  She has no interest in sitting around the castle or finding her prince charming.  Instead she wants to chase dragons and live life on her terms.  I've already read Harriet the Invincible and Of Mice and Magic.  I currently have Ratpunzel checked out from the library and Giant Trouble doesn't come out until Summer 2017.

Throne of Glass Series| I first fell in with Sarah J Maas as a storyteller while reading her A Court of Thorns and Roses series.  When I found out that she had another series, I just knew I had to read it.  I've already read the novellas bind-up, The Assassin's Blade, Throne of Glass and am currently reading Crown of Midnight.  So far this series has completely addictive.  I love Celaena isn't some helpless damsel waiting on prince charming to rescue her.  She's totally badass and holds her own.

Nevernight| Written by Jay Kristoff, this another book that has been all over Booktube.  I also picked this book up from my library, but haven't gotten a chance to really get into it.  I've read a few pages.  What I read was good enough that I'd like to own this book one day.  Plus the cover art is gorgeous!  It gives a V for Vendetta mixed with The Crow feel.

Cross The Line|  I've been a fan of James Patterson and his Alex Cross series since I was a teenager.  There was a time when I refused to read other authors and read only his books.  I have more than a few of his Alex Cross books as well as his Women's Murder Club series.  It's refreshing to see a White author writing about Black character who isn't dealing drugs, robbing somebody or doing something illegal.   Alex Cross is cop and damn good cop at that in addition to being a devoted family man.


 Courage to Soar|  Simone Biles stole everyone's hearts this year at the Olympics.  Her personality is so bubbly and she's totally a great role model, especially for girls of color.  While I did read about some of her backstory in news articles and listened to some of her interviews, I'm interested in reading her whole story thus far more in-depth and in her own words.

Harry Potter Series Illustrated Edition|  Like millions of people around the world I love and adore the Harry Potter series.  I've loved it since I was teenager and still love it just as much now as an adult.  While I have a mixture of paperbacks and hardbacks, I'd love to collect all of the illustrated editions of this enchanting and magical series.  I will forever think of J. K. Rowling as genius mastermind for creating these characters and their world.

These books have made me laugh.  They've made shed tears of sadness and frustration.  They've even made reflect up on friendships and think about what the important things in my life should be.  I'm looking forward one day passing down these books to my children so that they can fall in love with these stories as much as I have.

Bookish Accessories

Antique Book Tissue Box Dispenser|  You never know when the water works are going to fly when reading a good book.  Trust me I've read books that have started off super funny, easy, and light.  Then something heavy, sad and utterly depressing happens that leaves me in tears.  I've learned that it's always wise to keep a box of tissues handy and what better way to dress up/hide those drab tissue box designs than with this super cute antique book tissue box dispenser?

Book Magnifier with Light|  If you've ever seen any of my Booktube videos then you already know that I wear glasses.  And no they are not just for decoration or style.  I wear glasses because I wouldn't be able to see clearly otherwise.  I've been glasses since I was toddler pretty much.  Now that I'm getting older, I need to really stay proactive about protecting my eyes.

If you didn't know reading can put a strain on your eyes.  Thus, if you're like me and already have weak eyes, but like to read for long periods of time in soft lighting on a daily basis, you can really make your eyesight get weaker faster.  That being said, I figured it's about time that I look into getting a magnifier and preferably one with a built in reading light to help me see better and take even more of the strain off my eyes.

Book Journal|  I've wanted a book journal for some time now.  It would be a great place to document my thoughts on books when I'm finished them and would definitely come in handy for when I want to write up reviews to publish on my blog, Goodreads or even Amazon.

Metal Bookmarks|  Is it sad that I usually use an old receipt or a sticky note as a bookmark?  I think it's time for me to step my game up and get some proper bookmarks.  I've had paper bookmarks before, but have found that those tear, crease and start breaking down easily.  So metal bookmarks are definitely the way to go.  I stumbled across these- a leaf, a snowflake and a star.  How adorable are these bookmarks?

Library Card Tote|  It was love at first sight when I saw this super cute tote bag.  I can already imagine myself carrying this to the library or the bookstore or thrift shop to hold all of the books I'm sure to stock up on.

Library Card Change Purse|  Can you guys believe that there's a matching change purse/zipper pouch like the tote above?!  So adorable!

Bookish Drinkware

Nerdy Girl Mug|  I can see myself enjoying many cups of coffee, hot chocolate or tea in this mug.  It'll be a great addition to my mug collection.

Bookish Clothing

Book Saying T-shirt|  What better way to share with the world that I love books than by doing so with a shirt?  I can definitely see myself wearing this year round, pairing it with a cardigan or blazer during the cooler months.

Library Card Socks So what's better than a matching tote and change purse?  Matching socks of course!  If I could find matching shirt, I'd be in heaven!

Blog & Vlog tools

Planner/Organizer|  I really want to a place that will serve as an editorial calendar as well as scheduler for as far as setting aside days to film for the vlog.  I feel like a more in-depth planner will be great for that purpose.  I chose the Day Designer because for starters they always cute covers.  Also, I didn't really want a pocket-size or mini planner and Day Designer's 8" x 10" is great for me.  Lastly, they have really detailed pages that will fit my needs and a great layout.

Canon PowerShot SX710 HS|  I've been filming my Booktube videos on my iPhone, but I'd love to upgrade to a point and shoot to improve the overall picture quality of videos.  Also, recording videos on my iPhone takes up a lot of storage space.  Not mention if I record a long video, I usually have to break it up into smaller videos in order to be able to transfer them from phone to my computer.  What I love about this camera is that it's inexpensive compared to a DSLR, but still has pretty good quality.  It's small and I'll be able to carry it around easier and it also has WI-FI capabilities so I can transfer files from my camera to my computer wirelessly.

If you'd like to see what else made my birthday wishlist, check it out here.  Who knows you might find some gift inspiration for a book lover on your Christmas list or who also has a birthday coming up.


  1. […] 31 Books & Bookish Gifts I Want For My 31st Birthday […]

  2. A good planner is always important! I love my Kate Spade agenda and it keeps me in line. Great list!
