Friday Five Currently | Week 3

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Is this really the last Friday in October?  Honestly, I can't believe how fast this month has by.  It seems like it went by faster than all the rest.  I suspect the November and December will go by in just as much of blur as this month did as well.  I'm not complaining because I'm ready for the holidays and ready to spend time with my family members that I haven't seen in a while.

Currently I'm . . .

Celebrating |  My husband had a birthday recently.  We celebrated it by going bowling as a family.  It was our second time going bowling as a couple and the kids' first time bowling ever.  Unless bowling at home using the toy bowling set we purchased for them counts? IDK.

Anyways, we had a blast.  I think my daughter is going be a natural when it comes to bowling because she beat both me and her dad in the first game.  We let him win the second the game though since it was birthday and all.  Afterwards, we grabbed a quick bite to eat.  I'm thinking of doing the same thing for my upcoming birthday as well.

Using |  My skin has been breaking out something awful these past few weeks.  Let me tell y'all, adult acne is NOT cute.  So, I'm  using Goldfaden MD's Fresh A Peel (see what they did there) to see if it will help clear everything up. 

I will say that after using it earlier this week, my skin has been softer and smoother.  Some of the pimples have even tried up.  Finding a great dermatologist in this area is at the top of my list.

Listening |  I've been obsessed with CNCO's Reggaetón Lento Remix with Little Mix.  It's such a catchy song and the beat always makes me want to get up and dance.  Plus, it's helping me brush up on my Spanish language skills.

  I will say that I thought CNCO and Little Mix would have actually had a dance scene/break in the actual video since this song is about dancing and what not but there really wasn't one.  I know that girls of Little Mix can dance.  So I'm wondering if CNCO aren't dancers and decided to just stick to their strong point- singing?

Exploring |  I've been putting in more effort to explore our new city.  The other day I was on the hunt for a cute location to take some outfit pictures for a fashion post when I stumbled across this beautiful garden park downtown.  It was so gorgeous, especially as the sun was setting.  While I love Autumn, I'm looking forward to Spring and seeing how this garden will look when all the blooms come in.

Counting |  I'm counting down the days until we put our Christmas tree.  Luckily only have fours to wait.  It's been our tradition for a few years now to put up our Christmas tree on November 1st.  I know for some people that is too early, but it works for us.  I can't wait to free up my closet space and bring out the gifts I've been hiding since July.

I hope this has been a great week for you guys and that everyone has an awesome weekend.  We have plans to attend our first Fall Festival and I can't wait.  There's supposed to be a cool petting zoo area complete with pony rides.  The kids are thrilled.  I'll be sure to try to take lots of pics to share next week.  Let me know in the comments what you're going t be for Halloween if you're dressing up!

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Linking up with: Five On Friday | High Five Friday


  1. Wow, that is a beautiful park you found! Did you move recently? Thanks for your comment on my post. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one whose kids are not cooperating for pics, ha ha. Hope you have a great weekend with your family, too!

    1. Yes, we moved mid-summer. We're still getting settled in to our neighborhood and learning where everything is while trying to explore our new town.

  2. Happy belated birthday to your husband; it looks like you had a great celebration! I love exploring our city - it looks like a beautiful park you went to !

    1. Thanks! We all had a blast and I don't think the pictures do the park justice.

  3. Aaaaand now it's December already! Crazy huh? Aww - bowling looks so fun with the family. I wish we had a place close by. I hope that the peel helped! You'd think that as adults we'd be able to at least be done with all that stuff, right?

    Wow - that garden is stunning!

    I'm going the tree today for us. We normally wait until the last week of November or the first of December. :)

    Hope you've had a great month!
