So Obsessed Saturday

There's no faster and better way to connect with readers and our favorite writers than social media.  After a LONG hiatus, I have recently decided to hop back in the swing of things on Twitter (@kelizmccoy).  Now, I recently became a new fan of author Sylvia Day.  My baby sister (she's over 18) introduced me to her Crossfire Series this past April.

I felt like I had been living under a rock a little bit not knowing who Sylvia Day was.  In my defense, I am more of an Alex Cross/Twilight/Harry Potter kind of gal.  I tend to thrift toward books that have crime, mystery, suspense and a hint or two of the supernatural.
Anyways, I was browsing Twitter to follow a few of my favorite authors and stumbled across a Twitter account for the one and only Gideon Cross (@GideonCross), one of the main characters from the Crossfire series.

I know people make Twitter accounts for their pets, fan pages and there was even an account for Kimye's fetus.  However, this is something much more than a fan account for Sylvia Day's character.  This in a word is genius!  And if you are a fan of the Crossfire series and don't follow @GideonCross on Twitter, you are missing out on a treat.

The operator behind the Twitter handle for our favorite fictional billionaire has completely brought Gideon Cross to life.  I see how he (or she) interacts with fans and they never break character.  It's truly like Cross has jumped from the pages of Day's books and on my computer and telephone screens.  The best thing about it that @GideonCross seems to enjoy interacting with contemporary romance author, E. L. James (Fifty Shades).

I'm not sure this account is ran by one of Day's official staff members but if it isn't, she needs to hire this person immediately.  To be able to embody a character to this degree takes talent that even some seasoned actors have yet to master.  Yep, considered me obsessed and you will be too!

Until next time,

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